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Letters below were sent to founder Jeff Gold from people helped by Rescue Me!

Sender: Rebecca Gregory     Date: July 7, 2018 _
     I was able to find someone willing to take the baby mockingbird I found. I called a rehab close to my area. Although he did not take songbirds, he knew a group who did and took the bird there for me. Many thanks to Rescue Me for the contact information and to anyone and everyone who help rescue and/or rehabilitate animals. All three of my cats are rescues, so I do what I can to help, but birds are beyond my expertise and aren't allowed to be kept long term anyway. Thanks again!

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Sender: Lauren Mcarthur     Date: April 18, 2018 _
     I contacted a mother and beauty school classmate of mine that rescues wild animals. She wanted to adopt (him) and we met in Greenville last night to give her 'Sir Chirps-a-lot'. I messaged her at 7:00 this morning and she said he was eating and doing well. We thank you so much for your organization, and the help you provided. Rescue Me is such a blessing!

Sender: Aleta Landaiche     Date: June 21, 2017 _
     We were able to find a place for our birds with the emergency clinic for wildlife at the Louisiana State University Vet School in Baton Rouge. This required about an hour drive both ways from suburban New Orleans, but my husband was willing to do it since he was really invested in saving these little birds. He just got back and said the birds were very energetic when he dropped them off. So with the expert care we know they'll get there, we're very hopeful that they will survive. Unfortunately, we found that there are very few wildlife rehabbers in this area and none who could take these birds. I'm very grateful to Ms. Jennifer Books who responded to my post on Rescue Me with a call and an email chock full of useful info. Jennifer did offer to take my post down after we spoke and I told her of the outcome. Thanks so much to Jeff Gold and Jennifer for the work that you do! Best to all of you, Aleta

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Wild Bird Rescue

Sender: Claire Brennan     Date: June 4, 2017 _
     Thank you so much for providing such a great site for orphaned wildlife and those of us that try to help them out! I had rescued four baby starlings that were abandoned at a Home Depot store. Two were great eaters and two wouldn't eat at all. After posting, I was immediately contacted and offered wonderful advice and support to help these littles. The next day I was contacted by three more people, all equally supportive. I'm pleased to say that all birds are vigorous eaters now and that I was able to find a wonderful rehabber nearby to take them. She has a great setup and is not prejudiced against the starlings! I truly appreciate all who came to my aide. Thank you, Rescue Me!

Sender: Karen Boyles     Date: September 5, 2016 _
     I'm happy to report that Buddy (which I found out is a girl) has been rescued by a licensed wildlife rehabilitation center. I was there when they came to capture her, and it went off without a hitch. Thank you, Rescue Me!

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Sender: Lucy Jordan     Date: December 30, 2015 _
     Took the robin I found that I posted about to Animal Care Clinic. They said they would check it out and see if the wing could be repaired and if not they would euthanize humanely. Thanks so much to the lady who saw my post on Rescue Me, and called me with information to help me find a place for this injured creature. It was a great help!

Sender: Lynda Lamb     Date: November 21, 2015 _
     Quick and easy! I recommend Rescue Me. Thanks, Lynda

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Sender: Christa Clarkson     Date: August 31, 2015 _
     This is the second time that I have been connected to Rescue Me in an effort to help a bird in distress. Both times I have had responses, and would like to give a kudos to Jennifer B. In response, on both occasions. Jennifer is an asset. She is kind, cordial, and very informative on what to do for the novice, like me. The bird has been transported to the Wildlife Recovery Association. There are two very qualified rehabilitation specialists for raptors that work there. Their kindness was genuine, and they even took my daughter and I on a tour of their facility when we got there, even though the hour was late. She seemed optimistic that the bird at least had a shot, which is all I wanted for such a beautiful creature. I received emails inquiring about the bird, and know that it was due to my call of help from this site. Means a lot the work that you do, and the time that you dedicate to help a bird in need. In a few days I shall receive an update on the status of the hawk, and I will share an email with Jennifer. Thank you again for helping. It means a lot to me.

Sender: Kathleen Sullivan     Date: August 17, 2015 _
     We successfully released 'Carl/Carletta' the Cedar Waxwing back into the wild after keeping him/her with us for six days. We waited until a flock of Cedar Waxwings was hanging about the house and 'Carl/Carletta' just kind of 'took off'. Several flocks of 'Cedars' have been around and we like to think 'Carl/Carletta' is in one of them. When we found him/her, she/he was nothing but fluff. By the time the six days were up she/he had molted (almost completely) and had grown in most of what I would guess to be her/his adult or perhaps juvenile feathers. Thank you to the gal through Rescue Me who took the time out of her day to call me and offer her help and information.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Wild Bird Rescue

Sender: Ladonna Oros     Date: July 17, 2015 _
     Elizabeth Hatton, a licensed bird rehabilitator, received the bird yesterday. It turns out the bird was a robin. It was bruised on its underside from the fall out of the tree, and was dehydrated. Other than that, it looked to be in good shape. Elizabeth immediately gave the bird fluids, and will continue to take care of it. Thank you, Rescue Me.

Sender: Judy Kelley     Date: July 13, 2015 _
     Thanks, Rescue Me. I found a wonderful place for my little bird at Songbird Rescue. Vicki was quite sure she could be completely rehabilitated and introduced back into nature. I'm at peace in my heart. Thank you all for trying to help me. -Judy

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Sender: Joan Sell     Date: July 9, 2015 _
     Rescue Me was a great help. We found a safe place for the little dove to rehabilitate and provided a donation to Annie's Fund for future wild life rescues. Thanks!

Sender: Marilyn Lester     Date: July 5, 2015 _
     My little bird, Homie, found a home in a bird paradise that is just amazing. It was hard seeing him leave, but I know he is happier. He is with all those barrels and a really large cage. Thank you, Rescue Me!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Wild Bird Rescue
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Sender: Ruth Grenier     Date: July 5, 2015 _
     Thank you, Rescue Me. The bird was brought to Walden's Puddle.

Sender: Rebecca Smith     Date: June 24, 2015 _
     Thank you, Rescue Me. After posting this morning about finding a duckling, I received numerous calls and emails helping me to find a rescue organization. I was directed to a wetlands wildlife organization that took the baby today. Thank you so much to all who helped us. Blessings!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Wild Bird Rescue

Sender: Michelle Smallwood     Date: April 13, 2015 _
     I am so thankful for a lady taking little Tweety. I miss him already, but I was really unable to take care of him. I am a busy person and could not watch the little bird. I know he is in good hands. Thank you, Rescue Me, for helping me.

Sender: Tamra Catt     Date: January 29, 2015 _
     Thirty minutes after posting a little female Robin, I received a call from someone that helped put me in contact with a wildlife agency- Walden's Puddle. I contacted them and explained that this little Robin was nursed back to health and very tame. She has a broken toe on one foot and cannot be released into the wild. They agreed to receive her and we are going to take her to her new home tomorrow morning. Thank you so much, Rescue Me, for the help you give to these little, helpless creatures. We are very grateful. Regards, Tammy

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Sender: Joe Cervone     Date: December 25, 2014 _
     We contacted the AWESOME people at Raptor Trust who were so helpful in giving advice on capturing and transporting our distressed Great Blue Heron! They were on hand to admit the beautiful creature to their facility in the Great Swamp National refuge. We were unaware of their important work and so grateful that they are here. We were given a quick synopsis of the heron's condition and a link to follow progress on their website. One wing was fractured and a foot had been strangled by some twine wrapped around it. Now there is hope for our friend's recovery in the caring and professional hands of the Raptor Trust. Thanks so much for their help and for RESCUE ME in connecting us with these caring people.

Sender: Mary Davis     Date: August 16, 2014 _
     I am happy to say that I have been called by three people that was an apparent chain of people referring me to the next. I had no way of transporting the little bird, but the rehabilitation people that called me had a volunteer that came for the bird. I hated to see it leave. I wanted to keep it after a half day of feeding it and letting it ride my shoulder as I moved about the house. But she reminded me that some birds are endangered. Thank you Rescue Me for being there to help us so that these little fellows can have a good life.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Wild Bird Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Allison Fellenz     Date: August 10, 2014 _
     We had a real bird lover come and get our sparrow with a broken wing. He also has a starling with a broken wing, which has learned to glide and parakeets. I'm sure the bird will be happier trying to learn to glide with some other birds than living in our little cage. We even had a backup lady interested if the first guy didn't come through. Thank you for offering Rescue Me for us to connect with our bird rescuer.

Sender: Lindalinda Cabrera     Date: August 7, 2014 _
     Thank you for your care and concern for the little sparrow we called John Beeky, instead of John Doe. Turns out, her name is Jane Beeky. After nursing her to health for 13 days, it was apparent that she needed to be set free. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any sparrows in my front or back yards. A very concerned and wonderful Jennifer via Rescue Me, advised that I hand the sparrow over to a rehabber and so I did. I made contact with a referral through Rescue me, and Jane Beeky is now with other sparrows and will be set free safely. Having the pink fledging baby sparrow has been a great experience. Thanks to your organization and individuals who offered life saving advice, and I also give YouTube a thank you for the instruction that helped the sparrow caregiver the lifesaving tools to nurse a baby sparrow back to life and back into the wild where she belongs. Thank you!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Wild Bird Rescue

Sender: James Amos     Date: July 20, 2014 _
     These little guys ended up on the lawn after my trees were topped. I took them inside, but really had no idea what to do with them: tried to feed them milk (which is wrong - so they drank it), made them comfortable. Contacted Rescue Me for advice. After losing one (who crawled out of the first makeshift nest I put back in the tree). THEN the second one fell out and I found him moving around on the ground. Went for my morning run, assuming he would be dead when I got back - but NOT SO!! He was still trying his best to live!!! I called Rescue Me. Jennifer walked me through a few options, but because no one on Oahu takes Mynas (not a native species) I proceeded to try and feed the remaining one and with cat food. He ate some. Put him in a lined colander w/tissue. Fed him a few more times. Then I fashioned a 'new' nest from a deep cardboard container, punched holes in the bottom for drainage, and lined it with tissue and pine needles. I zip tied it to the pine tree at six feet up, then fed him one last time and put him in. Later, and since then, like Jennifer told me (best possible scenario), his parents continue to show up with worms hanging out of their mouths. I checked on him once and he seems good (fat). And his mother dive bombed me the second time I got close... So I am confident he is on his way to a future!! The best feeling ever. -Jim Amos US Army Special Forces (Retired)

Sender: Loni Snider     Date: July 3, 2014 _
     Thank you, Rescue Me, so much for your assistance. I was able to contact the lead you gave and the Wildlife Care Association took in the Robin. She was still alert and didn't seem to be in distress. They said they would give antibiotics and fix it's wing. Then they would make sure to release it into the zip code I found it in. Thank God! God, knows even when the birds need him.

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Sender: Holly Sieverding     Date: June 9, 2014 _
     Thank you, Rescue Me. Baby owl has found a home and will eventually be returned to the wild. Thanks for everyone that called!

Sender: John Dougherty     Date: June 2, 2014 _
     This bird was adopted and was in good health thanks to information from good folks that contacted me through your Rescue Me. A wonderful organization that assists with non native species adopted it. In fact, they drove over 200 miles round trip to pick it up!!! The name of the organization is Broadbent Wildlife Sanctuary. Their phone number is 270-547-4200. I hope this info will help some more wild birds. Cheers.

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A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Marty Miller     Date: May 29, 2014 _
     When I posted on Rescue Me, I was pretty doubtful I would get very much help and being I got absolutely no help from anyone locally, my hopes were being dashed day by day. Then I talked to Jennifer Brooks, who by the way was tremendously helpful. If not for her and a few others guidance, I would still be looking. These little ducklings will have a better chance of making it in another state- my home state. It will be about 70 miles from home and maybe I can get to visit time to time {don't know their rules on that}. But maybe these little babies will have a chance at making it. Time will tell. Thank you for your helpful website. I will remember it always. I will be sending you a donation soon.

Sender: Jerri Arrington     Date: July 5, 2013 _
     We found a juvenile Robin in the edge of our yard by the driveway. She didn't try hard to get away, looked like maybe she had a right wing injury and her leg was weak... Being able to help the little bird by first keeping it calm and safe in my home, and then taking it to someone who could help is such a good feeling. God Bless these people.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Wild Bird Rescue

Sender: Diana Toole     Date: June 23, 2013 _
     The baby birds are all doing well... Teresa (a rescuer met through Rescue Me!) takes in starlings all the time. I am so happy to have found someone to take them. I really don't know what I am doing with them, and my three year old is too interested in them . Thank you for what you do! I have asked for Rescue Me! rescue alerts, so I will be reminded of your wonderful site. I also posted a link to Rescue Me! on my Facebook page. I am so impressed!!!! Thank you again! Diana L. Toole (Have to go feed the peepers again!)

Sender: Richard Miskanis     Date: June 22, 2012 _
     A baby Heron tapped its beak on our screen door, as if knocking to ask for help. It's right wing was injured and he was dragging it as he tried to evade me. (After knocking and asking for help!) Because of irresponsible cat owners on our block we could not just let him fend for himself. So I boxed him and we kept him warm. The Wildlife Care Association & Education Center contacted me and said they would take the baby if we could bring him to them this morning after 10am. My wife works, and I am a disabled vet and cannot drive. I found a neighbor (also a Marine Corps Veteran) that said he would take him to the Center for me. I was also able to send $30 as they have over 300 birds they care for. I wish I had more... but you know how that goes. Tonight I received a call from a woman in Santa Maria in Central Coastal California that had an injured bird. She asked if I found someone to help with 'my' Heron, so I referred her to the Center as well. Anyone else in the Sacramento area that needs them, here's their contact info: Wildlife Care Association & Education Center 5211 Patrol Road McClellen, CA 95652 916/965-9453 The woman that called me, Wilma, is 73 years old and a volunteer there. What a gal. Thanks Wilma! Thank you so VERY much for your help RescueMe.Org!!!

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Sender: Karen Caporali     Date: May 26, 2012 _
     My 'animal loving Daughter' found a very young screech owl near her home in Norco, CA, which I am assuming she contacted Rescue Me. Thank you so much for your good follow up. My Daughter, however, did a lot of research and learned all she could on this type of owl, and she currently still has him/her 'Hootie.' She feeds it fresh meat and chicken, and he/she has now graduated to eating mice. Hootie has a nice cage inside my Daughter's house and comes to my Daughter by her commands and he 'communicates with her' via by the noises it makes and lands on her falconer's glove. I do wish I could share a picture of Hootie, who is about 6-8' tall with black and gray feathers. Hootie has beautiful yellow eyes, and is a sock thief; he has one sock each of two pairs of her horse riding socks and won't give those socks up for anything. Hootie flies to her by commands/noise she makes and now will seek her our in the house, when she lets his cage door open and he will find her in the house from other sounds she makes. She does know that owls don't make good pets, but this owl has turned out to be a real hoot! Again, many thanks for your kind follow up on this bird. Sincerely, Hootie's Grandma.

Sender: Alyssa Lindor     Date: May 20, 2012 _
     We were able to place our birds with Wildlife rehabilitation specialist that we located through our states department of wildlife website. I have had many inquiries through the Rescue Me! site and helped many people in our area locate a rehabilitation specialist in their area. Thank you for operating your site and allowing us all to help injured animals. Kudos!!

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Sender: Randy West     Date: May 1, 2012 _
     Jeff: Thank you for reaching out to me. Actually, this bird was under the watchful eye of it's mother. It was being taught how to fly... I rushed to the conclusion that it was abandoned, but it was not in distress at all! Thanks again, Randy

Sender: Jill Pringle     Date: November 10, 2011 _
     Hi Jeff, My wild birds did find a home as a result of me using the Rescue Me website. I posted them and within a few days I received a response from someone who wanted to adopt them. I am in Iowa and she is in Illinois but we made the trip with the birds and they are now in a wonderful home. Thank you for making the website available, it was very helpful to me. -Jill

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Wild Bird Rescue

Sender: Chris Miller     Date: November 9, 2011 _
     I was referred to your website over a year ago. I visited Rescue Me after finding two starlings needing new homes. I was happy to help. I replied and adoption took place quickly (within a week). I have a few starlings and I am very knowledgeable about them. I have a room just for the birds with trees, window perches, bird bath, TV, etc. I named them Billie and Bobbie. They are very lovable and very friendly. I am so happy that I could give them homes as well as help out the previous owner. We stay in touch and I share stories and pictures with her. Chris and The Birds of A Feather

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